Age Your Own Whisky

Most of my readers and usual suspects know that I have for a long time dreamed about making my own Whisky and I am always in search of the Perfect Manhattan. Well I am getting close on the Perfect Manhattan, however becoming a distiller is a little more complicated. I have to buddies (J.P. and R.K.) who are working on the distilling part some I may possibly be able to learn from them in the future.

In the mean while I decided to have a stab at aging my own Whisky. This is not as difficult as it may sound with a help of a kit that you can obtain in the Internet.

I did some research and found an affordable kit at Merwin Liquors. The cost was a reasonable $100.00 USD delivered. The kit I choose also included a bottle of unaged Cedar Ridge Whiskey.

Before attempting to age the Whisky I naturally had to sample it. The taste was, well not good. It had characteristics of bad Vodka, with no taste and just a burn. But what would you expect, because that is really what unaged Whisky is.

Now the steps were simple, but you do have to follow them carefully. First you have to rinse and condition the barrel. Rinsing was easy, but to condition you have to fill with water and soak in the sink for a couple of hours.

After soaking you need to leave the cask fully of water and set on a stand to check for links. I had to repeat this process four times before the cask sealed.

Next step is of course to fill the small barrel with the unaged Whisky

Now the final step will need to wait a few weeks until I feel the Whisky is aged enough to consume. Keep checking in for reviews of the tasting along the way as well as the final review and what is lost as the Angel's Share. Also be sure to keep checking in to see how this aged barrel figures into the Perfect Manhattan.

The Professor


  1. Most of my readers and usual suspects know that I have for a long time dreamed about making my own Whisky and I am always in search of the Perfect Manhattan. buy whisky online

  2. I am curious as to how this whiskey turned out? I'm thinking of buying the kit for my husband for Christmas. His drink of choice is Crown Royal. Thanks!

  3. Where can I find your blogpost where you have the final review? I am thinking of buying this kit..


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