The American Royal

This past weekend was the American Royal BBQ World Servies Event was held in Kansas City and MySideOfTheBar was fortunate to be in attendance.

It is no secret (or maybe it is) that I am attempting to learn the art of BBQ and have both a

blog, MySideOfTheSmoker and a

Twitter Account @mysideofthesmok

dedicated to the art of BBQ

One thing I did learn is that the BBQ Event is just one part of the entire American Royal which dates back to 1899. The BBQ Event has been taking place for about thirty some odd years. If you watch BBQ Pitmasters you would see many of your favorites in attendance. Well you may not see them, but you may see their BBQ Sites.

 Myron Mixon's Site

Johnny Trigg's Site

As you can see above there are just a couple of my idols. You have to remember that they are there to compete and as it was early Friday evening the contestants were probably resting as they would need to start their pits in the early (3:00 A.M. or so) hours of the morning.

The one thing you will find odd attending the American Royal BBQ Contest is that it is almost impossible to get BBQ! Yes that is odd, there is a rule that contestants cannot serve or have samples as this is a contest. Something about health codes, but I still found this to be very odd indeed.

If it not for Central Patti and a connection (H.B.) at Morgan Hunter we would not have had any BBQ.

Our connection granted us entry into their Friday Night hospitality tent for BBQ Dinner, catered by Bichelmeyer Meats of Kansas City, snacks, desert and all the beer and soda you wanted. Score! The BBQ was excellent and the team they had cooking for Morgan Hunter, Smoke and Hire put out some excellent samples in the Friday night Hospitality Tent.

For a complete list of winners you can see the results for the Invitational Here and also the Open Division.

It was a fun event and thanks to Morgan Hunter we were able to eat some great BBQ.

Here are a few more pictures of the event.

Chris Lilly of Big Bob Gibson's BBQ

 Yes the KC TobacPack Was in Attendance

Yes this is a Smoker!

Wold have Loved to Tried This ;)


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