Johnnie Walker Blind Tasting

Ok, a day late and a dollar short (especially after Walk About 2012 yesterday) here is the results of the blind Johnnie Walker tasting the other night. As most of the followers of MySideOfTheBar can attest to I do drink Johnnie Walker Scotch on a semi-regular basis, I.E. when I am not drinking Four Roses Bourbon.

Here is the Line Up 

I previously had enjoyed all but the Gold label and to date still have not sampled Johnnie Walker Green Label. You can read more in detail on the entire line of Johnnie Walker Scotch here at Johnnie

This is also not a blog rating this fine selection of Scotch and you can look for a review coming soon at Smokes and Booze
I want to add one last thing before revealing the result of the blind tasting. If you have been a faithful reader of this blog you know I am not great at this, but hey who cares it is fun. So without further ado here is the results of the Johnnie Walker blind tasting here at MySideOfTheBar




Amazing I know as Gold was the only one that I had never tried and I rarely drink Blue due to the cost involved and I will only drink from this bottle as my first drink during future Happy Hours.

I also need to apologize for my first tweet on this tasting @mysideofthebar for misspelling Johnnie Walker.

I want to also add that a gift package such as the one I used for my tasting can be picked up for a little over a hundred dollars and is a great way to sample this fine blended Scotch and makes an excellent gift set for the Scotch drinker on your list.

Johnnie Walker the Man Who Walked Around the World (thanks Ed)

A special thanks to Central Patti for playing Scotch Hostess

Update on Aging Your Own Whisky

As you can see by this picture the Angels have definitely taken their share! About a third of the bottle has ascended to the heavens. This picture was taken after 5 Weeks of aging and notices the fine color. The taste had some excellent caramel hints, however was still not as smooth as I would have liked so I put it back into the cask and added a little water for more aging

The Professor


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