Annual Counting of the Corks and Caps

It was May here at MySideOfTheBar and that means it is time for the annual counting of the corks and caps. I can not believe another year has gone by, and yes I do say that every year.

For review this is an annual event where Central Patti and I count all the Wine Bottle Corks and Liquor Bottle Caps that we have saved from the many consumed bottles here at the home base of MySideOfTheBar. This does not count beverages we had at other locations or establishments.

2008 - 2009 - 166
2009 - 2010 - 157
2010 - 2011 - 137
2011 - 2012 - 156
2012 - 2013  - 164

This year was a little disappointing and all I can say is that we have been on the road a lot more. So without further delay the number for his year was...


as you can see Four Roses, Burnett's and Burnett's Strawberry are leading the way. No Suprise there.

The Professor


  1. Is that real granite countertop those are sitting on? That's a popular color of granite!


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