Baypoint Martini Hour

Martini Hour at Baypoint starts at four
If you don't see a flag then don't go through the door

The Pretty Pink Drink is not what you think
If has sweet and sass
and if you drink to many it will kick your ass

We have Old Fashions and Manhattans
Vespers and Martini's
and many times women in bikinis

You have Central Patti and Chrissy O. cackling all day
All the while Martini's are putting them away
And if by chance they have it dirty
They are long  gone by 4:30

And Stevie O spinning his toasts
Even though he will never boast
He has no fear 
As he cracks open a Busch Beer

Steve and Sandi may well drink the bar
Which is fine cause here you never need go far

We have Dennis and Dot who never drink a lot
But if by chance they do you know their night is through

There is Mike and Peggy, Craig and Sharon 
That when the leave here they are well beyond a carin

Jerry and Mariata, Dan and Tara and Kurt and Ann are new to the mix
and even they seem to get their kicks

Songs get sung 
and rumors of one called Bay Hung
And as the night gets late never fear your fate
Cause "What Happens at Martini Hour, Stays at Martini Hour"


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