Tips for Your Holiday Cocktail Party

It's not to late to fine tune your Holiday Cocktail party plans and here are a few tips to assist.

First these a few tips for Cocktail Parties, and not dinner parties so keep that in mind.

1. Make things easy on yourself and consider having a self-serve bar. Stock 750 ml bottles as they are easier to handle and stock only some basic booze unless you want all your good stuff guzzled up.

2. Stock up on plenty of ice, it is cheap and you can use it in the future if you stock pile too much.

3. Stock plenty of beer and I prefer canned or bottled. If you get a keg you will have lots of extra overhead like setup and half-full cups left over.

4. And speaking of cups, be sure use glasses and NOT solo cups (unless you did not head the keg warning) Cocktails in plastic cups suck.

5. Cocktail napkins for the season are a great addition to any holiday party along with paper cocktail plates.

6. Stock plenty of snacks, while nuts and popcorn go fast they also make a mess when your “Usual Suspects” have been drinking. Consider cheese, meats, crackers, kabobs or chicken wings as well.

7. Put up a few decorations after all it is a Holiday Party

Well that should be enough to get you started and send me your holiday party tips and success/failure stories

Happy Holidays and Cheer
The Professor


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