Pipe Tobacco for Cigar Smokers

A few years back I took up Pipe Smoking, partly due to I always wanted to try this art and partly to save a little money smoking. Cigar Smoking, at least the Cigars I smoke can get a little pricey and I wanted to sit on the patio and relax smoking a little more frequently.

My favorite Tobacco Shop is Fidel's in Westport (and the preferred Tobacco Shop of MySideOfTheBar) which is not only can boast a wide line of Cigars and Tobacco products it also has an excellent staff on hand. The Staff at Fidel's is very knowledgeable about all the products and is also very friendly and helpful.

I had not been enjoying my Pipe as much as I hoped I would due to the fact I just did not like all the aromatic Pipe Tobacco that appears to be the most popular today. I decided to see if I could find some Pipe Tobacco that was more like smoking a Cigar than a Pipe. I had even tried snipping off the ends of my Cigars prior to smoking and keeping them in their own humidor. When I wanted to smoke I would cut and crumble them up in my Pipe. This was not bad, yet still not as satisfying as I had hoped.

So into Fidel's I went and asked Jake (a Pipe smoking employee) what type of Pipe Tobacco he recommended that did not taste like Pipe Tobacco. Well Jake knew exactly what I was talking about and here are the recommendations and my experiences with them.

Hornburg Reserve - A full and rich Tobacco, not for the beginner smoker. I really enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone that wants a more non-traditional Pipe Tobacco.

Early Bird -Similar to Hornburg with a very full flavor and perhaps not as strong

Virginia 35 Ribbon - This was bar far my favorite of the three. This is a stave-aged Tobacco as inside every tin is a piece of charred Kentucky Bourbon white oak barrel that gives the Tobacco a subtle whiskey aroma and flavor.

There you have it, three Pipe Tobaccos for the Cigar Smoker

The Professor


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