Beginning Cigar Smoking
What Cigar should I try if I am a new Cigar Smoker? I am asked this question a lot here at MySideOfTheBar so I thought it may be a good time to put down some of my thoughts on the subject. First and foremost, Cigar Smoking should be fun so do not worry a lot about being an expert. We all started somewhere. The Cigar community is a great bunch of individuals, organizations and companies that are very willing to assist and educate you on the subject. Second, educate yourself using the many resources available: Read up on the subject on the internet and the trade publications. My favorite reads are the Cigar Snob and Cigar Magazine . I learned early on that some of the more popular magazines on Cigars seem to have a correlation between the advertisements and the ratings (you can draw your own conclusion). Blogs are also an excellent resource for beginners. I write for one ( SmokesAndBooze ) where we review lots of products including Cigars. We are j...