Blind Vodka Tasting
A while back I was a host for a blind Vodka tasting for a group of the Usual Suspects. They sampled a taste of 5 different Vodkas Pinacle Crystal Head Grey Goose Firestarter Burnetts I was surprised as 3 of the 5 tasters picked Burnetts as their favorite. I decided to give this a try and choose the following seven Vodkas for my blind taste test Pinnacle Crystal Head Grey Goose Firestarter Burnetts Svedka Shpilka I choose to do the shots room temperature and took only a large enough taste so I could make an evaluation. I rated the Vodkas by , nose, initial taste and finish. I was surprised to the actual outcome as I drink a lot of Vodka and thought I had a good grasp on the differences. I should also add that I break Vodka into three groups. Vodka I use in Martinis, Vodka I use in a mixed drink and infused/flavored Vodkas. I you can see I focused my blind taste test on the Vodka from the first two categories. Here are how they finished 1. Firestarter 2. Gre...