A Movable Feast Part III

Ok, one last post before the final push into Key West. As noted we stayed 3 nights on Sugarloaf Key and also as noted not much in the ways of places to eat. (glad we had lots of (leftovers) There was however, one notable exception. On Saddlebunch Key (about 2 miles from out lodge) we found, thanks to adds on Pirate Radio, Fish Restaurant. Fish = The freshest. Great food and great friendly staff. Well worth the trip and only 14 miles from Key West. Next and I have to say a great surprise was Babalu's Southern Cafe. Some of the best, if not the best Blacken Mahi, Mahi I have ever had. and they make a great Bloody Mary as well. I was also in the right place at the right time to assist the bartender in creating Christmas Cocktails for her party. I suggested the Grinch (from my Nephew's repertoire) Midori, Vodka, and pineapple juice with a cherry for the Grinch's tiny heart. My reward was a free "Santa's Milk" which she had just inven...